The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166861   Message #4024225
Posted By: Iains
17-Dec-19 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK General election December 12 2019
Subject: RE: BS: UK General election December 12 2019
Guido is the UK branch/franchise of the propaganda network...

The internet won this election...

Waste of time reading guido's analysis of why Compo received such a drubbing then, but I will supply it anyway, secure in the knowledge the latte slurping remainiacs here will not read it, much less understand it.
This will ensure that the biggest sea change in British politics ever will make zero impact on your constrained thinking.
The hive mind driven by ideology is proven to be incapable of any rational thought. This will ensure labour is sidelined for generations to come. The labourite are looking everywhere outside the bubble for factors to explain their horrific defeat. They cannot accept rubbisk policies and a rubbish front bench have utterly destroyed both the party and their credibility.

Warbling that the working class can kiss my ass was not a votewinner outside the metropolitan labour luvvie heartland.
The twitter witter rebounded wonderfully beyond all expectation.