The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167035   Message #4024229
Posted By: Donuel
17-Dec-19 - 12:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Don't be ashamed of impeachment
Subject: RE: BS: Don't be ashamed of impeachment
Three years ago Mr. Red wrote that th Republicans want Trump to get the courts staffed full of republicans and then find a good reason to get rid of him.

I thought he was right but that is not the case.

Primary elections are being cancelled allowing only Trump to be the candidate, republican Senators are called upon to vote for Trump to be innocent of obstruction of Congress.
Constitution be damned so that power can be retined by ignoring the Constitution. All this by the party who claimed that the founding fathers were only on thier side.

The vote is today to impech but chairman Nadler is attending to his sick wife. I hope Putin poison is not the cause but nothing would surprise me anymore.