The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39933   Message #4024272
Posted By: GUEST,Daniel Arthur
17-Dec-19 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: Song from Patriot Games movie
Subject: RE: Song from Patriot Games movie
Sorry that this reply is almost 2 decades late, but that awesome pub jig the author's talking about is a movie remix of the song "Irish Soldier Laddie"

The essential melody is the same, the bridge of the song has been changed to the main melody for the Patriot Games version. Ken O malley, The Blended Spirits and Padraig Duggan composed and performed it and it was indeed called "The Pride Of Our Land."

All the lyrics I could catch are

"Here's to you, my brave Irish Laddie, we'll not be broken, downhearted and sad, so let us make a toast, to all of our comrades, same for the honour and pride of our land.

We'll sing you a song, from the land of our fathers, a song I could tell you have come to hear me play

They came to destroy the pride of our nation ----"

The Pride Of Our Land hasn't ever been released sadly, from what I understand with a bit of inside knowledge, it was just drummed up specifically for the scene, using Irish Soldier Laddie as the basic melody

Hope this helps