The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167044   Message #4025664
Posted By: Steve Shaw
31-Dec-19 - 10:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Broken Govt Pledges: 1 UK Political thread
Subject: RE: BS: Broken Govt Pledges: 1 UK Political thread
Yes, Stanron, but your side insisted that we'd voted to leave the single market and customs union, when we'd done no such thing (well they weren't on MY ballot paper...) and in most people's cases probably didn't even know what they are. You are being very selective. In every political system that I I've known about, changes are proposed and take place down the years and decades and I for one don't want to vote on every one of them, if on any at all. I didn't agree with the '75 referendum either but at least there was a significant majority for the status quo. A simple requirement for one vote over the 50% to bring in an irrevocable change, with no minimum turnout requirement, is a complete outrage. The trouble that Cameron's hubris-ridden referendum caused, nowt to do with Europe and everything to do with keeping his backwoods backbenchers and UKIP at bay, was inevitable.