The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166876   Message #4026340
Posted By: The Sandman
04-Jan-20 - 05:21 PM
Thread Name: Review: Walter Pardon - Research
Subject: RE: Review: Walter Pardon; Research
Alan Smethurst, was as important a chronicler of norfolk post second world war life as indeed was Walter Pardon-pre second world war , Alan had a hit in the sixties ,Walter must have been aware of his existence, it is a pity if walter [who on occasions also sang older comic songs] was never asked his opinion of somebody who could arguably called a song carrier reflecting norfolk life post Walter.
after all most of walter pardons songs were pre second world war norfolk, smethurst continued reflecting and chronicling norfolk post second world war, arguably more of a continous link as regards norfolk life than Peter Bellamy, who sang songs such as fakenham fair and fiddlers hill [both peter bellamy composotions