The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167125   Message #4026689
Posted By: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
07-Jan-20 - 04:22 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: I Am a Brisk and Sprightly Lad
Subject: Lyr Add: I Am a Brisk and Sprightly Lad
“Act 2d
Sung by Mrs. Jordan in the Spoil'd Child

I am a brifk and fprightly Lad
but juft come home from Sea Sir,
Of all the Lives I ever led,
A Sailor’s Life for me, Sir,

Yeo, yeo yeo yeo yeo yeo yeo yeo.
Whilft the Boatfwain pipes all hands with
yeo yeo yeo yeo yeo Sir.

What Girl but loves the merry Tar,
        We o'er the Ocean roam, Sir;
In ev'ry Clime we find a Port,
        In ev'ry Port a Home Sir.
                Yeo yeo &c.

But when our Country's Foes are nigh,
        Each haftens to his Gun Sir;
We make the boafting French men fly,
        A bang the haughty Don sir.
                Yeo yeo &c.

Our Foes fubdued, once more on Shore,
        We fpend our Cafh with Glee Sir,
And when all's gone, we drown our Care,
        And out again to Sea, Sir,
                Yeo, yeo &c.
[Musick 1798, p.3] (Sheet music collection. No title.)

Note: Earliest music found so far. No title given. Earliest theatrical mention is 1790:

"...A few days after the appearance of this piece, was performed, for Mrs. Jordan’s benefit, the Spoil’D Child, a farce, which was gratuitoufly prefented to her. Its name is all that we, need record.”
[History of the Theatre, March-April, The Historical Magazine or Classical Library, 1790, p.100]