The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167125   Message #4026695
Posted By: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
07-Jan-20 - 04:38 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: I Am a Brisk and Sprightly Lad
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: I Am a Brisk and Sprightly Lad
“S O N G.

Sung by Mrs. Jordan with the higheft applaufe, in
        the Theatres of Dublin and York.

THERE was a clever, likely lafs,
        Just come to town from Glo'fter;
And fhe did get her livelihood
        By crying Melton Oyfters.

She bore her bafket on her head,
        In the genteeleft pofture;
And ev'ry 'day and ev'ry night,
        She cry'd her Melton Oyfters.

It happen'd on a certain day,
        As going through the Cloifters,
She met a Lord fo fine and gay,
        Who'd buy her Milton [sic] Oysters.

He faid "young damfel go with me
        "Indeed I'm no impofter,"
But fhe kept bawling in his ears,
        Come, buy my Melton Oyfters.

At length refolved with him to go,
        Whatever it might cost her,
And be no more obliged to cry,
        Come buy my Melton Oyfters.

And now fhe is a lady gay,
        For Billingfgate has loft her;
She goes to Mafquerades and Play,
        No more cries Melton Oyfters!”
[Edwin's Pills to Purge Melancholy, 1789, pp.38-39]