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Thread #167044   Message #4027136
Posted By: Steve Shaw
08-Jan-20 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Broken Govt Pledges: 1 UK Political thread
Subject: RE: BS: Broken Govt Pledges: 1 UK Political thread
Clive Lewis acquitted himself very well last night, despite the despicable bad manners of Emily Maitlis, who seemed determined not to let him get a full sentence out. It was just one of those "who is he?" moments...

Starmer seems to be the Labour MPs' pick. He's a likeable bloke but he's a London man, a man, a man in a suit and the ultimate fence-sitter. Jess and Lisa claim to be unity candidates but they both briefed against Corbyn like buggery for years and helped the Tories in. If that's unity then that beats me. Emily T did the same and comes across as incredibly patronising. For me, it's Becky Long-Bailey. Any one of the six has got to show grit in fighting off the Express and Mail and all the other anti-democrat liars in our midst. And she would give Johnson a bloody hard time (which is why his acolytes in the media are going ballistic on her already. They're running scared). It's an illusion that Becky is the only one with baggage. All six have in their different ways. But she's grounded, she's tough, she's a socialist and she's a gritty northerner. That'll do me. If I voted for anyone else I'd be going against my principles. I'm not doing it.