The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167044   Message #4027163
Posted By: Steve Shaw
08-Jan-20 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Broken Govt Pledges: 1 UK Political thread
Subject: RE: BS: Broken Govt Pledges: 1 UK Political thread
“Shall there be womanly times? Or shall we die?” (Ian McEwan)

Just like Iains, Johnson is an arch-misogynist. He runs scared of strong-minded women. Why, even Bozo's girlfriend forced him to "get off me! " Blimey, even Jo Swinson made mincemeat of him in the Commons a few weeks ago. I suppose PMQ isn't really a game-changer, but what a contest it could be if Becky got her teeth into the unprepared silly posh sod. I can just see it...