The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167131   Message #4028120
Posted By: GUEST,Janie Meneely
13-Jan-20 - 05:27 PM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Siren's Song (Janie Meneely)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Siren's Song
When I sing the song as a solo, I use first person (I); if I'm with a bevy of ladies, I change it to we. Here are the words, first person:

The Siren's Song

Said the siren to the sailor
What makes you think I want your sorry ass washed up here on my beach?
I'm so out of your reach
Just goes to show there’s nothing ever comes for free
You say you got my number
It was scribbled on some drunken sailor’s dank and hairy palm
Well you got it all wrong
Just goes to show you can’t believe everything that you read
I just come to this beach to sing

And when I sing, I sing the blue ocean
I sing the whitecaps, I sing the waves
I sing the wind, I sing the stories
I sing the breaking of the day

Said the siren to the sailor
I’ve yet to meet the man the likes of which I'd take with open arms
No topman from the yards*
No washed up salt come all this way to cop a feel
You must have heard the stories
The blind man says we girls all do it just for sport
That’s myth and no more
Just goes to show you can’t believe everything that you read
I just come to this beach to sing


Said the siren to the sailor
Somewhere along the line I’d like to think that we could get some flash
Could settle some hash
Could see our names in lights, our reputation clean**
I’d like to think we’d settle
For just a bit of honest ink writ large inside the Times
No doggerel rhymes
Just goes to show you can’t believe ANYthing that you read
I just come to this beach to sing

* No top man from the yards refers to the sailors who would have worked high up in the rigging, where the yard arms are. They were called top men.

** "Could see our names in lights, our reputation clean**" This line refers to the notion that seeing our names in the lights above, say, a Broadway stage, would legitimize us in the eyes of the public

Janie Meneely
P.S. if you need more info or care to contact me for mechanical rights, you'll find me at