The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160035   Message #4029357
Posted By: GUEST
21-Jan-20 - 04:26 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: 'A light guitar in the dusk softly strum—
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: "A light guitar in the dusk softly strum—
A light guitar in the dusk softly strumming
From near and far now the dancers are coming
The golden lanterns above us are swaying
And in the soft evening air voices sing 'Tra la la la'

We'll do a little dance together
Chiquita is the one for me
We'll do a little dance together
Chiquita is the one for me

and oh my sweet senorita, im dancing
a red, red rose in her hair how enchanting
and in her heart as we're gliding and swaying
i fondly hope sweet chiquita will say
tra la la la

we'll do a little dance together
perico is the one for me
we'll do a little dance together
perico is the one for me