The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167215   Message #4030422
Posted By: Donuel
26-Jan-20 - 07:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: conversation with bertrand russell
Subject: RE: BS: conversation with Bertrand Rusell
How and why we communicate are our own concerns. If one can not see the relevence and connections made by a word, link, music or visual art, it is not the respondsibility of the communicator to explain the whole of knowledge in this civilization and beyond to the the 'communicatee'.

That is the honourable job of teachers, so we can share common truths as a foundation to our mutual understandings.

Some people here demand a link to support all communication.
As if your thoughts or facts are not valid without a 'like' thought elsewhere. That kind of demand casts the shadow of distrust and likelihood the author of a post intends harm.

Unique initial thoughts/invention do happen but in the lense of history they usually come in twos. For example the invention of calculus by...
there I go again, mansplaining