The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30932   Message #403276
Posted By: GUEST,MAV
21-Feb-01 - 07:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwhacked SIX
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwhacked SIX

Sorry I called you a bastard and apology accepted.

As to being a bigot, I suppose you will concede that everyone has a certain attachment to their own points of view making only the totally wishy washy weenies qualify as non-bigots.

I believe in judging a person by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

My bigotry against the slavery of taxation and redistribution of the wealth I will wear proudly.

That the blacks voted in lock step (92%), delivered by the racebaiting non-reverend hypocrite and moron, Jesse Jackson and that I can see the obvious, hardly makes me a bigot.

Please explain the status of the ratification of the 16th amendment by 3/4 of the states.

"You call people names, try to fit everyone into your neat little boxes, accuse others of being, in your own words racist bastards and rant against anyone (complete with name calling), who doesn't agree with you, labeling them with your own endearing terms"


I believe that I make the mistake of using the word fascist early on in "Cavalry" and wrongly called you a bastard. I may have made fun of some screen names, but I certainly have received more incoming than I have returned.

Please post examples of my outrageous vulgar behavior and I will apologise.

I certainly can provide examples of vulgarity or belittling language directed ad hominem from mousethief and kendall, but I won't hold my breath waiting for them to lighten up.

I fail to understand however how you believe I should just sit here and take it, but criticize me should I have a knee-jerk reaction. Looks like a double standard to me.

I never called anyone in here a moron, idiot, b!tch, @$$h0le or anything close to that.

That's name calling as far as I'm concerned.

If you are referring to the terms commucRATs, democRATs and just plain RATs, that was a phoney accusation from the gore camp about a campaign ad and I just decided to steal it.

Most of my so-called "name calling" was aimed at the corrupt and now desperate DNC headed by none other than your favorite ACTOR, the war hero, BILL CLINTON!!

But if the shoe fits.....

This is (was) a free country and an established ideology (liberalism) ought to be able to take some criticism.

Names like, Pubbies, Nazis, Republicrats, VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY, right wing extremists, knuckle dragging troglodytes and terms like evil, mean spirited, stupid, oppressive have been fired at us by your side for years.

False charges such as "starving more children, throwing old people out of nursing homes and killing more people" and "If Republicans are elected more black churches will burn" followed by the aforementioned NAACP dragging ad against Bush in the last election came from the very top of the democrat leadership. (clinton, algor and Garp)

These are the (fascist) DNC demonization tactics I referred to earlier and were so abundant throughout the last decade that clinton felt compelled to invent a term for it.


The DNC has been doing this for years and continues to do so. Even the opposing posters on this forum have blindly followed the bogus operendi.

But here it is, from your real master, Joseph Stalin, who once said;

"Objectively, Social Democracy is the moderate wing of fascism"

Hey David Kendall,

"What I DO question is the collective IQ of the people who responded to the poll"

There you have it!

ELITISM rears its ugly head!

The American public is too stupid to have an opinion, they are also too stupid to know how to best spend their own money or elect a president, right????

(oops, I called him a name)

mav the hell out