The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167243   Message #4032865
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
07-Feb-20 - 07:48 PM
Thread Name: BBC Radio: Folk Map of the British Isles
Subject: RE: BBC Radio: Folk Map of the British Isles
GUEST - right then.. tell us something about this life you have,
that we may be impressed and envious,
and acknowledge your superiority...

Am I likely to own any of your CDs or DVDs,
are you a prominent cultural influencer,
do you have lucrative music industry endorsement deals,
can you fleece fans for your autographed photos,
are videos of you posted by devoted followers all over Youtube...
etc, etc,...?????

Would I be shocked and delighted if I knew who you really are
behind the mask of anonymous GUEST...???

What a disappointment it would be if you are just a grumpy worthless nobody with a superiority complex...

Being a 'folkie' provides a sense of identity and belonging to an exclusive elitist social group,
that too many chronically dull lifeless folks need to so desperately cling to..

As much as I have grown up enjoying and learning from good British folk music,
its the worst smuggest, dreariest, reactionary, of British folkies who put me off ever wanting to go to folk clubs
and spend too much time in their company..

That is my biggest complaint about the UK folk scene,
but not something I care that much about in the greater scheme of existence..

It can be hilarious when duff BBC folk shows annoy them so much...!!!

So GUEST, if you have any substance and value,
shut me down decisively by posting links to music YOU have created
that is better than anything niche tiny minority BBC folk programming covers,
or even I am capable of creating myself...