The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167281   Message #4032977
Posted By: Senoufou
08-Feb-20 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Things only YOU notice
Subject: RE: BS: Things only YOU notice
I often notice things other people don't, especially various creatures in the fields on either side of the road when we're driving along. My husband of course is concentrating on his driving, but I see kestrels, foxes (even during the day!) a barn owl, muntjacs...
Just today I noticed the same little pied wagtail bird in the doorway of Morrisons supermarket. He's always there looking for scraps, but nobody seems to notice.
I also tend to make phrases out of car number plates (usually rude ones!) and I'm always the first to notice someone struggling in the supermarket to reach something on a high shelf.
I hear tiny sounds too.

My sister tells me this is a classic aspect of Aspergers, and that I'm on the autistic spectrum, which may well be true.