The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167243   Message #4032985
Posted By: Jack Campin
08-Feb-20 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: BBC Radio: Folk Map of the British Isles
Subject: RE: BBC Radio: Folk Map of the British Isles
Radio 3 would have been a natural home for a well researched folk programme - and Late Junction did a lot of that as part of its very wide-ranging coverage. So the Beeb's management moved it to a unreasonably late slot and then axed it.

I haven't listened to Radio 3 for years (it was the only channel I bothered with apart from the folk stuff on Radio Scotland). It turned into an endlessly repetitive soapbox for MI5 with Donald Macleod spouting the official Cold War line on Shostakovich at every conceivable pretext.