The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30932   Message #403301
Posted By: GUEST,MAV
21-Feb-01 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwhacked SIX
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwhacked SIX
Dear Little Hawk;

"Does RWE mean "right wing extremist"? If so, don't be naive, MAV, there are RWE's everywhere, and they thrive in Communist systems. In fact they usually end up running them. They are ruthless bastards with lots of firepower at their command"

That's what it means, but the term is a creature of the DNC.

I can imagine there are hardcore militia types out there (Like the Freemen of Montana or that group in TX) who are armed to the teeth and willing to stand up to the US or various state governments, some being perfectly legit and some are totally whacked out criminals. I would consider them RWEs.

Most of these people are former GIs and are patriots in every sense of the word (if they are "right wing") and don't really do much but have meetings and be "at the ready".

If they were to encounter real communists, you can bet there would be real combat and to the death, they have nothing in common whatsoever (they think the US govt is red)

"I advise you to stay clear of them for your own safety. I sure as hell do, whether I'm in Cuba or the USA"

I've never met one, nor do I seek to, but I have met a Libertarian who has a massive arsenal and wants to get a tank, maybe he has a few buddies.


"Your patient refutations and counter-arguments have de-pantsed the guy completely, in my opinion, but there is enough substance in his statements to make them appealing to less critical thinkers"

Yes, I don't think so, but I see you would enjoy my being "de-pantsed", oh well.

In reference to your article from "The Nation";

The mere presence of well spoken, highly educated and successful Americans of color in these prominent cabinet positions should give all members of that socially abused group pause to realize that they have been just that, not at the hands of the Republicans, but rather the democrats and their own self serving "black leaders".

Nobody wants to dis-empower minorities, just liberals. The blacks are welcome at the table of economic freedom and the push is on to reach out to them via the church networks and faith based organizations despite the screamings of protest from the traditional racebaiting "civil rights leaders".

mav out