The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167281   Message #4033441
Posted By: Bill D
10-Feb-20 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Things only YOU notice
Subject: RE: BS: Things only YOU notice
Yeah, I notice spelling and grammar errors too... and various other things mentioned above: but because of years of philosophy and logic classes, I see the egregious flaws in reasoning so many use to defend or promote their ideas and attack the ideas of others. The problem is: It takes 5 times as long to explicate the basis for criticizing logical errors than to make them! Then the perpetrator simply dismisses my efforts with more of the same.

My other habit, because of years of working in grocery stores in high school & college is noticing prices and the changes over the years. It even began when I was in 1st grade in 1946! The pedal cart ice cream vendor came down our street in New Orleans, and fudgesicles and popsicles were 6¢. One day it was 7¢! I was insulted... and even though there was no way to raise the price without making it a penny more, the % of increase was huge! Now??? Well, I can barely stand grocery aisles with most of the prices ending in .99. I KNOW that a company calculates its costs and overhead and has a certain expectation of what it needs to make a fair profit. But if the retail price of an item needs to be, say, $1.73 to give them what they "need", you know it will usually be marked $1.99.
    Sometimes, if an item is normally around $3.50, a sale might be $2.99, but .99 is most often just a way to give them an extra edge and hide the fact because *shrug* people just expect most things to end in .99! And when I see a TV set for $999.99, they aren't gonna get ME to think..."Gee... it's under $1000." And car for sale at $29,999? Ha!
   I actually have the end of a roll of high-end paper towels from about 5 years ago that I saved when I 'noticed' that the new rolls were not as soft. Side-by-side comparison is clear.

.... well, even though I have wound down my business of woodworking and craft shows, I do still notice interesting piles of wood on the streets. "Gee, that looks like spalted Maple!" "No, don't need it."

I also notice when sizes, volumes and quality diminish.