The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167243   Message #4033526
Posted By: GUEST,henryp
11-Feb-20 - 03:39 AM
Thread Name: BBC Radio: Folk Map of the British Isles
Subject: RE: BBC Radio: Folk Map of the British Isles
I wonder if Seth Lakeman will find any musical record of the enormous social changes that have taken place in the Republic of Ireland. Look at the lifetime of Edna O'Brien.

She said, "I rebelled against the coercive and stifling religion into which I was born and bred." Her first book, The Country Girls, published in 1960, was added to the long list of books banned in Ireland under the Censorship of Publications Act, 1929. By 2012, Mary Robinson, the President of Ireland, recognised her as "one of the great creative writers of her generation".

Although she married and moved to London in 1954, her main subject remains Ireland. Meanwhile, the Republic of Ireland has grown into a modern, liberal state.