The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167281   Message #4033866
Posted By: leeneia
12-Feb-20 - 12:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Things only YOU notice
Subject: RE: BS: Things only YOU notice
Hi, Senoufou. I've been bothered by your first post. I doubt if you are on the autism spectrum, because you post coherent and sociable posts here on the Mudcat. And you are interested in people, as shown by the attention you've paid to your husband's jokes.

As for noticing tiny sounds, that probably means you have good hearing. Since you probably never worked around noisy machinery and never put earphones on and blasted rock music, you have preserved your hearing.

I believe you used to teach school children. Now there's a job that will sharpen your hearing - a sudden sharp sound, no matter how soft, means that a pupil may be doing something naughty. I used to work in public libraries, and library staff develops the same skill. Trucks may roar by, babies may scream, but the sound of tearing paper galvanizes the staff.

I've been on the Building & Grounds Committee of two aged churches, and that's another thing that develops acuity. When there's a sharp crackle, I'm examining the ceiling.