The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30932   Message #403423
Posted By: GUEST,MAV
21-Feb-01 - 11:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwhacked SIX
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwhacked SIX
Damn, I hate it when that happens,

Evening mister, I see you're busy here too.

"And the slavery of free enterprise?"

Ya gotta work, even ants and squirrels work, that's just a natural extension of eating.

"Or the slavery of political correctness"

PC is a violation of free speech. If a govt. funded university promotes it, it's a violation of the 1st amendment. "Or of the dictator ship of the proletariat, come to that?"

Wouldn't be prudent.

"I think you're looking at things from the wrong end.. You imply that wealth means something"

It does if you don't have any.

"That it has some value beyond the material? What and why?"

It does if you create your own wealth, if you steal or inherit it, it means nothing.

If you create it, it's the "Great hunter" deal, you get all the good chicks etc.

Must do wonders for ones ego.

Those good at creating wealth usually need or want helpers so they can create more wealth (or won't have to do the dirty work themselves)

These people either agree to or begrudgingly stay and work depending on the prearranged compensation.

You already knew this stuff. Next question please.

"Are there legitimate functions of government?"

Sure, you know what the Constitution says, I'd even go for a standing army as well as the Air Force.

Patrolling and securing the border could probably be construed.

Borrow money, control immigration, regulate foreign trade, coin money, weights and measures, post offices, roads, patents, declare war, fight pirates and the mafia, make laws, you know, all that stuff.

"How should they be funded?"

If you're asking me personnaly, if I had my druthers?

I'd like to see the feds provide an ala carte menu and charge the states for the services they care to use.

The states would be the highest taxing authority. "If government is necessary"

We got more governments than you can shake a stick at. "some way to pay for it is needed"

We've got more taxes than you can shake a stick at.

There are taxes at almost every step of production which causes products to cost much more and guess who pays all those hidden taxes.....The consumer, from the very POOREST on up.

"I start with the idea that a strong democracy is the primary goal"

We don't have a democracy, even the town meetings see selectmen or city councillors elected as representatives. "the standard against which other values are measured"

Well, I believe the strong nuclear family is the foundation of any successful society. This is the fundamental form of government and usually also not democratic. "I agree in part about the Reverend Jesse. He plays the race card well. Moron? He got the vote out"

Yes, but he's a motivational speaker who preaches lies!!!

He was "counselling the President" while his pregnant girlfriend was by his side, what a hypocrite. He also has been accused of having another love child.

"The voters decided who to vote for"

They were told how to vote, some had never voted before and followed the directions exactly and wound up voting for two presidential candidates.

We had students arriving in busses with two cards (found discarded on the ground) they went in, registered (one card), and spent 30 seconds voting(second card) "Just like you and I did"

Nobody told me how to vote and I'll assume the same for you. "Based on our perceived self interest. Arguing that 92% (I thought it was 90%), blindly followed Jesse isn't really credible without lumping them into a neat class. Or should I say stereotyping them?"

Remember my allusion to the disgusting NAACP ad? The class is a group defined by skin color by the lying racists demonizing Republicans (the leftist NAACP)

Jesse should have followed his own advice, "Stay out the Bushes".

"But then you did use the words racist bastard to refer to an African-American congressman who happens to disagree (strongly) with W and the Supreme Court over the election"

The Congressional Black Caucus is blatantly progressive (socialist) and part of the vast race baiting machine. They have no reason whatsoever to be so vicious and disrespectful to W. except their shakey affiliation with the DNC.

"Yes. And they call you names back. And then you call them names. Then they call you names and so it goes"

No, no, no, no! I have maybe four instances including our exchange, mousethief and catspawl. I may have called others who are not members of this forum a few juicy ones but let's get our facts straight.

"Are you a Randite, A separatist? A RWE, RR, anarchist or what? Based on some of your comments I could classify you as any one of them and then go off and assume that because you said A, you must be a "whatever" and that means you believe this and that and the labeling begins"

I'm a midwestern pro-life conservative Republican (former libertarian)

"If I'm a liberal then I may share certain views with those you called LSC"

I didn't coin that term, I though you did, I just started using it because I thought it was familiar to the forum. Someone accused me of not knowing the difference between the three groups.

"Does that make me one. I'd say no. But if you assume that, based on a few commonalities, I am an LSC and label and react to me that way, then that, I submit is bigotry"

Well, like you said, if it looks like a duck.... besides you could also be seriously putting me on.

"You go on about the DNC, some agenda they have to destroy America (we're talking a group that has trouble organizing a morning coffee break here, let alone mastermind some vast conspiracy, btw.). All to general and not all that credable"

If you want me to put on a presentation I will, but if you simply review the communist manifesto and see that two of the major tenets are to take over the education system and the media, and then look at where we are today.....

If you realize that the labor unions operate on Marxist principles and the bulk (85%) of organized labor/crime is comprised of government workers who simply seek to replicate themselves and create an ever larger government bureaucracy all the while working against the private sector (individual taxpayers) and consuming 70 cents of every tax dollar.....

Is that enough agenda or do you want some more?

"And then you end with But here it is, from your real master, Joseph Stalin, who once said; "Objectively, Social Democracy is the moderate wing of fascism""

Well, I didn't really mean to include you in that (damn another apology), but that is where I get off on calling them racist bastards, in that they really don't know who their political father is.

My point was (that damning comment right out of the horses mouth) that fascism is indeed closely related to socialism.

You do remember my definitions of the LSCs don't you? (A communist is a socialist with a gun)

I never said ALL Democrats are communists or anything like that. But I will state my belief that there are far more patriotic and reasonable rank and file democrat voters than activists and candidates who are very, very far to the left.


mav out