The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166522   Message #4034629
Posted By: Rapparee
17-Feb-20 - 11:14 AM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Florida! Phooey! Quincy, Illinois has amongst its literary and thespian lights folks like Lucile Vasconcellos Langhanke (who acted under a fake name for some reason, that being Mary Astor) and my friend Roy Brocksmith. And other famous folks, like Paul Tibbets and Ike Samuels. Martin Jones Hawkins was one of those who was chosen for the Andrews Raid, a/k/a The Great Locomotive Chase; he overslept and missed it but was promoted the Sergeant and got the Medal of Honor anyway and he's buried in Quincy. Lincoln and Douglas had one of their debates there. As noted earlier, Sam Clemens visited there many times and sometimes stayed sober! St. Francis Solanus College, later St. Francis College and then Quincy Academy and then Quincy College and now Quincy University (I lived four blocks away) was the alma mater of not only ME but also the Venerable Augustus Tolton -- yes, me and Gus were good friends and often played billiards together after various classes. The town even had a lynching -- about a month after the Civil War ended a self-confessed Missouri bushwhacker named Tom Rose was hoisted by a bunch of recovering Union veterans from the hospitals.

Quincy, Indiana...Quincy, California...Quincy, Massachusetts...Quincy, Washington...Quincy, Florida...Quincy, Michigan -- all trying to horn in on the glory. (Quincy, Illinois, FWIW, is the county seat of Adams County.)