The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167206   Message #4035522
Posted By: Helen
22-Feb-20 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: that powerless feeling (sensitive topic)
Subject: RE: BS: that powerless feeling (sensitive topic)
Jealousy, Possessiveness, Put Downs, Threats and Violence
signs of abusive relationships
It is not always easy to identify if you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence or is in an abusive relationship. Violence and abuse are experienced in many different ways. Below are a few examples of abuse signs. These behaviours are typical of the jealousy, possessiveness, put downs, threats and violence that occur in domestic violence and abusive relationships. A woman may be experiencing abuse if a man in her life:
•        unfairly and regularly accuses her of flirting or being unfaithful
•        controls how she spends money
•        decides what she wears or eats
•        humiliates her in front of other people
•        monitors what she is doing, including reading her emails and text messages
•        discourages or prevents her from seeing friends and family
•        threatens to hurt her, the children or pets
•        physically assaults her (hitting, biting, slapping, kicking, pushing)
•        yells at her
•        threatens to use a weapon against her
•        constantly compares her with other people
•        constantly criticises her intelligence, mental health and appearance
•        prevents her from practicing her religion.

An analysis of contributions by a hypothetical person to a hypothetical thread.
Total posts by all contributors to the hypothetical thread = 55
Total posts by one person to the hypothetical thread = 15 (27%)
Total posts by that one person which specifically comment on the topic of the thread not counting a challenge posted immediately after the thread commenced = 2 (13% of own posts)
Total word count of that one person posting to thread = 600 which is approximately 10% of total word count of thread.
Total word count of that one person’s comments on the topic of the thread = 100 (16% of own posts, or 1.6% of all words in thread, not counting quotes of other people’s posts)
Two comments on the topic being:
* Don’t worry, be happy, we don’t need to focus on dark topics like this, just enjoy life.
* Why are we still talking about this topic. No one wants to talk about this topic. There is nothing we can do to change this issue so let’s not talk about it.
Posts by this person claiming to be under attack = 2 (13% of own posts)
Posts by this person making derisive comments about other people posting on the thread = 1
Posts claiming that s/he will not post again to this thread = 1 (being post #2 followed by 13 more posts)
Post exhibiting a classic sign of claiming s/he is not responsible for own actions = 1 "you made me post here again"
See What You Made Me Do
Posts agreeing with other people who have stated that there is no point discussing this topic = 2 (13% of own posts)

So, does this relate to the signs of domestic violence or abuse?

Hypothetically if a certain person attempts to:
humiliate a person or persons in front of other people
monitor what they are doing, including reading their posts
discourage or prevent them from communicating and conversing with friends and like minded people
abuse them
constantly compare them with other people
constantly criticise their intelligence and interests
prevent them from participating in group activities which fit their beliefs and life principles
and I will add, constantly demand apologies for perceived slights
and, have one rule for self and another rule for others
and, have a tendency to target persons of the other gender

then in my estimation there are enough signs for recognising what would be domestic abuse in a domestic situation.
Obviously, as members of an online forum we are not privy to the personal lives of other members of the forum, and I would certainly not presume to make unfounded assumptions on the personal lives of other members of this forum. That is not my intention at all.
So, as this is an online forum, then I would pose the question on whether the actions of this person constitutes the actions of a troll especially if this can be shown to be repeated behaviour over a significant period of time and within many, many other threads.
And is it just a coincidence that this hypothetical person in this hypothetical thread is placing obstacles in the path of others attempting to discuss the topic of domestic violence or abuse?