The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167339   Message #4035795
Posted By: r.padgett
24-Feb-20 - 04:24 AM
Thread Name: Source singers and their songs
Subject: RE: Source singers and their songs
Peter Bellamy was a highly respected trad folk singer, and his singing style is currently being followed by the likes of Jon Boden ~ well Jon is tall and can sing in high keys ~ but in my view singers like Walter who sang with his uncle ~ and other current singers sing in their usual extended natural voice so as to let others join in their songs and keep the interest in the storyline

I have to say that I learnt songs largely from vinyl and from t' internet that is audio sources and the source singers keys and singing styles should be and in my case, I hope have been retained ~ sing in your "own voice" of course but have regard to your audience ~

Another niggle is that songs have history and the rush on occasions in sing arounds and folk clubs to get as many singers on as possible without a nod to the song its provenance and story is not always a good idea
