The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79217   Message #4036789
Posted By: Joe Offer
29-Feb-20 - 05:11 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Katey of Lochgoil
Subject: ADD Version: Katey of Lochgoil
From The Universal Comic Song Book, Glasgow, 1857

AIR-“The Whalers.”

'Twas on the year eleventy-nine,
And March the fortieth day,
That the Katey of Lochgoil, my boys,
To sea she'll bore away.
Tae my fal al de dal, &c.

Now Katey, she's as fine a ship
As ever yet was rigg;
And when she'll got her mainsail up,
Got! you'll tuke her for a prig.
Tae my fal al de dal, &c.

T'ere was Tonald More an’ Tougald More,
Shon Tamson an’ Shon Roy;
And all our whole ship's companie
Was twa laddie and a poy.
Tae my fal al de dal, &c.

As we'll sail by the Pladda light,
She'll plew a terrible plow;
Says Tonald More to Tougald More,
She'll thinks she's pest pelow.
Tae my fal al de dal, &c.

As we steer round the Ailsa Craig,
She ll plew a wondrous gale;
Says Tougald More to Tonald More,
We'll turn apoot her tail.
Tae my fal al de dal, &c.

As we steer round the Toward point,
She'll plew a terrible plast;
She'll plew sech a hurricane,
She'll plew awa her mast.
Tae my fal al de dal, &c.

As we cam by the Cloch licht-house,
She'll plaw a terrible plew;
It's Tonald at the poo, my boys,
O! she'll be tuke a spew.
Tae my fal al de dal, &c,

The captain, being kind to us,
Put on the muckle pot
Wi' scatyuns for to boil to us
But de'il a’ ane we'll got.
Tae my fal al de dal, &c.

T'ere was Tonald More an' Tougald More,
Shon Tamson an his mate,
Was putting his coosin's son ashore,
For breaking a scatyun plate.
Tae my fal al de dal, &c.

Ta signal tat our Katey had,
Was Tonald's bonnet blue;
Ta skipper being out on shore,
It's he the signal knew.
Tae my fal al de dal, &c.

Noo Katey, she is hame again,
And safe on Greenock key:
And when she'll go to sea again,
She'll tuke new han's for me.
Tae my fal al de dal, &c.