The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167417   Message #4037999
Posted By: Joe Offer
06-Mar-20 - 08:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ashamed To Be A USA-ian.
Subject: RE: BS: Ashamed To Be A USA-ian.
I've heard various attempts to refer to people in the United States without calling them "Americans," and I see wisdom in those attempts. I hadn't heard the term USasian before. I thought it had something to do with Asian-Americans, but the Urban Dictionary says it isAmurkin has an even more interesting (and more credible) definition, as does Merkun.

I admit that it might feel offensive and jingoistic to Canadians or Latin Americans to hear us claim the title of "American," but it's what has been used forever and ever - and anything else sounds awkward and overly fussy. People in the Union of South Africa have a similar problem. So, not having found a better solution, I guess I'll keep using the term "American" and not be jingoistic about it.

As for the main story, it happened at a Sanders rally in Vermont on Thursday, March 6. The CNN story says it was apparently just one crazy person, and he was kicked out of the rally. I don't know that the activity of one crazy person would make me ashamed to be an American, but it certainly is a matter for concern. I wonder how people would have reacted to a Nazi flag at a Trump rally.

Whatever the case, I'd hate to see the Sanders candidacy become a cause for anti semitism.
