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Thread #32092   Message #4038423
Posted By: Joe Offer
08-Mar-20 - 11:30 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Muirsheen Durkin / Molly Durkin
Subject: RE: Origins: Muirsheen Durkin / Molly Durkin
Here's the Traditional Ballad Index entry on this song.

Good bye Mursheen Durkin

DESCRIPTION: Molly Durkin marries Tim O'Shea. Cooney, "to keep my heart from breakin', I sailed to Americay." He finds no work in New York. He goes to San Francisco, finds gold and heads back to Ireland where "I'll marry Miss O'Kelly, Molly Durkin for to spite"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1929 (for USBallinsloeFair, according to site, Irish Traditional Music Tune Index: Alan Ng's Tunography, ref. Ng #1331)
KEYWORDS: travel gold work drink America Ireland humorous rake emigration betrayal return
FOUND IN: Ireland
REFERENCES (2 citations):
OLochlainn-More 36, "Good bye Mursheen Durkin" (1 text, 1 tune)

Roud #9753
Murty Rabbett, "Molly Durkin" (on USBallinsloeFair)
Muirsheen Durkin
Muirton Durkin
NOTES [355 words]: O Lochlainn says "I learnt the last verse in childhood and 'invented' the other two finding nothing else but a fragment 'And now to end my story, I'll marry Queen Victorey'." What O Lochlainn remembers as the last verse appears to be the chorus. That fragment ending beats "I'll marry Miss O'Kelly" but otherwise "Molly Durkin" (on USBallinsloeFair) seems more authoritative.
In any case the description I used is from USBallinsloeFair. Here though is the description for O Lochlainn's version: Corney tires of courting and drinking locally. He goes off to roam the world. Then he tires "of all this pleasure" in Ireland and heads for New York. Now "good-bye Mursheen Durkin, Sure, I'm sick and tired of workin'" and heads for gold in California.
In Murty Rabbett's version the singer "landed in Castle Garden" in New York. That may be useful in bracketing the dates on that version. Castle Garden, before and again "Castle Clinton" at The Battery in New York, was the entry point for immigrants between 1845 and 1890 [see, for example, "Castle Garden, New York" transcribed from The Illustrated American of March 1, 1890 at Norway-Heritage site]. One problem with using "Castle Garden" for dating is that the name may have remained synonymous with "entry point for New York" long after the building became the New York Aquarium. In my own family I heard about "Kesselgarten" sixty years after it closed, although my grandfather arrived in New York thirteen years after that building became home to captive fish.
For a similar Castle Garden(s) reference see the notes to "Castle Gardens (I)." - BS
Although O Lochlainn's text seems to be the source for almost every version known today, it seems to have been pretty heavily folk processed by revival singers. And I'm not talking about the zillion ways of spelling "Mursheen/Muirsheen."
According to Soodlum's Irish Ballad Book, the tune is "Cailini Deas Mhuigheo" ("The Beautiful Girls of Mayo").
I seem to recall reading somewhere that "Murisheen Durkin" is another name for Ireland. Of course, if you read enough Irish books, *everything* is a disguised name for Ireland. - RBW
File: OLcM036

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The Ballad Index Copyright 2019 by Robert B. Waltz and David G. Engle.

MUIRSHEEN DURKIN (Digital Tradition Lyrics)

In the days I went a courtin', I was never tired resortin'
To the alehouse and the playhouse or many a house beside,
I told me brother Seamus l'd go off and go right famous
And before l'd return again l'd roam the world wide.

So goodbye Muirsheen Durkin, l'm sick and tired of working,
No more I'll dig the praties, no longer I'll be fool.
For as sure as me name is Carney
I'll be off to California, where instead of diggin'praties
I'll be diggin'lumps of gold.

I've courted girls in Blarney, in Kanturk and in Killarney
In Passage and in Queenstown, that is the Cobh of Cork.
But goodbye to all this pleasure, for l'm going to take me leisure
And the next time you will hear from me
Will be a letter from New York,

Goodbye to all the boys at home, l'm sailing far across the foam
To try to make me fortune in far America,
For there's s gold and money plenty for the poor and gentry
And when I come back again I never more will stray,

@Irish @farewell @emigrate
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Popup Midi Player

MOLLY DURKIN (Digital Tradition second version)

I'm a dacint honest workin' man, as you might understand,
And I'll tell to you the reason why I left old Ireland;
'Twas Molly Durkin did it when she married Tim O'Shea
And to keep my heart from breakin', I sailed to Americay.

cho: Arragh, goodbye Molly Durkin, I'm sick and tired of workin'
And my heart is nearly broken, but no longer I'll be fooled;
And as sure as my name is Cooney, I'm bound for Califooney
And indtead of diggin' mortar I'll be diggin' lumps of gold.

Well, I landed in Castle Garden, sure I met a man named Burke
And he told me remain in New York until he got me work.
But he hasn't got it for me, so tonight I'll tell him plain,
For San Francisco in the morn I'm going to take a train.

Well, I'm out in Californy and my fortune it is made.
I'm a-loaded down with gold and I throw away my pick and spade
Sail home to dear old Ireland with the Castle out of sight,
And I'll marry Miss O'Kelly, Molly Durkin for to spite.

From The American History Songbook, Silverman
@Irish @gold @immigrant
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