The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167208   Message #4038780
Posted By: Mr Red
10-Mar-20 - 10:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: New rules for the coming pandemic
Subject: RE: BS: New rules for the coming pandemic
The UK are having a few events cancelled, but the Gov are saying no need to cancel (as of this date).

Listening to the news it struck me that if the Gov are serious in saying that, they haven't asked for everyone at events to provide contact details. Our event was ticketed by the venue and some punters would have left details via credit card etc. But some paid cash on the night!

The reason contact details are useful is: once a case is reported, the Gov claim to be tracing all possible contacts. This is how they can.

Another thought struck me is that the only way we lick this virus is when sufficient peoples' immune cells have been exposed. ie herd immunity

The containment phase will only delay that, but also the severity of the peak of the cases. But if the delay is long enough a vaccine may have been found. And history tells us, those that listen, there will be second and other waves as people relax and the virus mutates. It already has.