The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167418   Message #4038852
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Mar-20 - 02:24 PM
Thread Name: How To Research the History of a Song
Subject: RE: How To Research the History of a Song
"Charles Seeger's long-winded approach is that of a musicologist. "
Sed the feller who spends hours discussing 'mediation'
Charles was an established and world-wide respected musicologist dealing with a wide range of musics non an amature academic
Backbiting and internecine warfare seem to be the in-thing with researchers nowadays - a legacy from Dave the Rave maybe
I'd be fascinated on you view of quantum physics

I have come to despise the 'freemasonry' approach to folk songs which excludes so many from the self-appointed 'inner circle', but I take my whatsits off to the specialists
Peggy's expertise lay largely in instrumentation - she tended to leave things like the oral tradition to Ewan, though she was a mine of information on American source singers due to their dropping in for a chat with Charlie and Ruth
Did you know that Elizabeth Cotton 'mislaid' child Peggy during a =vist it a local department store
Not a lot of people know that !