The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167434   Message #4038946
Posted By: Bill D
10-Mar-20 - 09:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Google is crap - Google bashing thread..
Subject: RE: BS: Google is crap - Google bashing thread..
I barely know how to discuss all this with folks who now do most of their searching and discussing on smart phones. I am not likely to ever have one, and I don't even have Windows 10.... I have 9 different browsers, 3-4 of which I use fairly often. I do NOT use Chrome or Firefox. I use Vivaldi and PaleMoon for most things, with FlashPeak Slimjet and SeaMonkey and Iron Portable for my Genealogy research. I use Google and DuckDuckGo for most searches... but for looking up words, I begin (on Windows 7Pro) with a stand alone program called WordWeb... it will then fetch definitions from many sources and let you do many things.

   Now.. I am not really against the clever technology of smart phones, but I see everyday the frustrations of people who are fining simple tasks increasingly awkward... from predictive text & auto correct to simple typing errors on tiny 'keyboards'.

There are new fears about what MS and Google are doing to herd all us sheep into smaller pens while giving us tasty treats to distract us while they edge closer to US having all our data stored in the 'cloud' with THEM!

   I still read a couple of NewsGroups in USENET that constantly link to new stories about MS & Google and the sheepherding.

YOU can read one by going to GOOGLE GROUPS ( and looking up alt.comp.freeware and reading just the last couple of weeks of posts from Yrrah, John C. and Shadow... and several others.

I know most folks can't be bothered with all this, but IF you still have a real desktop PC and want some insight, it can be enlightening.

Good luck...