The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167411   Message #4039143
Posted By: Jim Carroll
12-Mar-20 - 04:08 AM
Thread Name: Harry Cox
Subject: RE: Harry Cox
Interesting Mick, I wonder if your grandmother was Irish
We recorded a song from blind Irish Traveller, Mary Delaney which ran:
"If ever you go to Kilkenny,
Enquire for the hole in the wall,
It's there you'll get eggs for a penny
And bacon for nothing at all"

There were several more verses - I think we included it on the Traveller CD, 'From Puck to Appleby' as a 'Traveller's own' song
We found 'The Hole in the Wall' to have been a famous Georgian private club and eating house for the local gentry (still existing in ruins) tucked away just off the main street in Kilkenny
The alley leading down to it, still called 'The Hole in the Wall' used to have a tiny Saturday street market, run and frequents by the local poor'

This is the somewhat outrageously condemnatory statement by the Opies on children's bawdy songs I referred to - They really did need to get out more
"Genuinely erotic verse, however, is unusual. That there are villains among children, as among adults, the News of the World offers frequent testimony; and from somewhere the ogre child acquires his strange salacious prescriptions, taking criminal pleasure in pressing them on juniors, and inscribing them on the walls of the school lavatory.
But we are not here discussing delinquents. The usual group of youngsters whispering together, passing some verse to each other and giggling, though they refuse to tell what it is, are probably interested in nothing more sordid than the deeds of nature, an intimate garment, or a crude word.
Pp. 95-96, Chapter 6, ‘Parody and Impropriety,   Lore and Language of Schoolchildren.Oxford at Clarendon Press Publishers 1959"
Jim Carroll