The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31169   Message #403926
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Feb-01 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwacked - Seven
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwacked - Seven
Also, although a person may sometimes be hypocritical (and we all are, sometimes)...does this justify simply labelling him a "hypocrite", as if that is the total summation of his existence?

As for being moronic, we are probably all that sometimes, too. Jesse Jackson can't be a complete moron, or he would hardly have gotten as far as he has in life.

Better to criticize the man's policy decisions than insult him.

Of course, the Democrats have accused Bush of similar it's tit for tat, isn't it?

Lovely subject to wake up to in the morning....

- LH