The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167099   Message #4041805
Posted By: Jim Carroll
24-Mar-20 - 10:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Only Joke Thread You'll Need for 2020
Subject: RE: BS: Only Joke Thread You'll Need for 2020
A couple of 'Lime Street' jokes - probably told them before, but I need cheering up
AS friends of 'Maggie May' will know, Lime Street was once the notorious Liverpool 'Red Light' district, particularly in wartime and when Liverpool was a major seaport
Two friends ran a fish and chip shop on Lime Street but when WW2 came, what with the difficulty of fishing because of the UBoats and the rationing of potatoes, it became nearly impossible to get supplies and custom dropped to a standstill
One day one of them said to his mate, "Let's pack in the shop and open a brothel"
"Don't be daft", said his mate, "If we can't sell fish and chips how are we going to sell soup ?"

A mouse was crossing the tramlines on Lime Street one night - as he reached the centre the tram's front wheels ran over his tail and cut it clean off
As he turned to see if he could find it, the back wheels cut his head off
The moral of the story - Don't lose your head when you're looking for your tail in Lime Street