The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167513   Message #4041859
Posted By: Jim Carroll
24-Mar-20 - 02:41 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Irish versions of Child Ballads
Subject: Lyr Add: Irish versions of Child Ballads
Wonder of anybody can help
I'm assembling as many Traditional Irish versions of Child Ballads as I can find, I wonder can anyone help (ongoing)
I'm doing far better than I could have expected, but am encountering problems regarding some versions taken from Ireland to Canada and America, mainly in the period after The Famine (latter half of 19th century)
In his JAF article, 'Irish, Come-All-Ye's, Phillips Barry refers to a version of CAPTAIN WARD and the RAINBOW, (it may not be from America)
Does anybody know where it is to be found ?
Help very much appreciated
Jim Carroll