The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167513   Message #4042020
Posted By: Jim Carroll
25-Mar-20 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Irish versions of Child Ballads
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Irish versions of Child Ballads
Not so much that I haven't time for (plenty of that at present but having no qualifications I find it difficult to get access to academic institutions - there are several in Nova Scotia
The Barry papers would also be a great help if they are on line
The limited information on Fowke's singers is driving me up the wall
That's the sot of thing I don't have the skills for
I started off this with a query about Henry Martin - I have a great text from Fr Ranson's Songs of the Wexford Coast but no tune - I don't think he collected any

I don't wish to impose on anybody, but if anyone wishes to join in this they are welcome to
This really is Mudcat as its best