The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167513   Message #4042067
Posted By: GUEST,Starship
25-Mar-20 - 03:19 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Irish versions of Child Ballads
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Irish versions of Child Ballads
"Without going in person to Calgary it is possible to
get some sense of what is in part of the fonds
Fowke, although you cannot get a listing of
everything. Use your web browser to reach the U.
of C. website, and then locate Special Collections
in the MacKimmie Library. This may seem easier
said than done, but with persistence you will find it.
Once there, click on the Richard Johnston
Collection (the music archives). The Fowke
collection is a sub-set of this."

That's from the U of Calgary site. I'm putting it here in case I can't locate it again.