The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167510   Message #4042091
Posted By: Senoufou
25-Mar-20 - 05:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Toilet Paper, Bog Roll, Loo Bobbin
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet Paper, Bog Roll, Loo Bobbin
When he first arrived in UK with his Marriage Visa stuck in his passport, my husband had never in his life seen a sit-on toilet (which he calls 'une chaise anglaise') I had to explain and demonstrate how it should be used. He found it very strange to actually sit on the thing, and refused ever to use toilet paper.
His toilet arrangements back home in Adjame and Nafamadougou consist (as they do around most of West Africa) of an unspeakably stinky hole in the ground behind a ramshackle screen and a small pot of water with a spout. The sewage stays in the stinky hole, and there are cockroaches and huge rats to keep one company. One simply squats.
Physiologically it is said this is a better position for evacuating the bowels.
At first he was thrilled to flush our toilet, but I had to stop him doing it just for fun over and over, as we're on a water meter.