The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167099   Message #4042274
Posted By: Jim Carroll
26-Mar-20 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Only Joke Thread You'll Need for 2020
Subject: RE: BS: Only Joke Thread You'll Need for 2020
An Amrican tourist drving a big car touring Devon, turned off the main roads and becan to explore the rural back lanes
Not noticing how narrow they were getting, he eventually found himself inable to go back and had to proceed forwward untileventually he reached a stream which crossed the road as a ford
Worried at the possible depth, he degts out of the acr and spaeks to an elderly farmer leaning on his gate
On asking him how deep it was he was told, somewhat laconically, "You'll be all right sir"
He climbs back in and proceeds - the river rises over the tyre level and eventually begins to flood into the car
Furious, he gets out, wades ashore, and storms back to the farmer
"I thought you said I'd be all right" he shouted
"Well sir, it only comes half-way up my ducks", came the reply