The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31193   Message #404258
Posted By: catspaw49
22-Feb-01 - 09:52 PM
Thread Name: WELCOME lovethesky 2-22-01
Subject: RE: WELCOME lovethesky 2-22-01
OK....The clone got to me too late so I'll repost here:

You on the other hand Katcina........thanks for ALL these welcoming threads for whooziz. Got peanut butter on your fingers or what?

Welcome lovethesky........You got a lot of it in Texas. And a lot of other things too that I'd rather not go into (but most Texans will). I like texans because I can tell when they lie!!! I just watch for lip movement. Lemmee know if yours are moving as you type.

Welcome to the 'Cat!!!
