The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31169   Message #404340
Posted By: Skeptic
22-Feb-01 - 11:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwacked - Seven
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwacked - Seven

Yes, his legacy will be handing the entire government over to the Republicans

A time honored political tradition. Look at Hoover. He got blamed for the depression and liberals were in control for the next 30 or 40 years and ....oops....there's talk about a recession. Which isn't as big a deal as a depression but we can blame it on W and maybe get 15 years out of it :-).


It is not the responsibility of the leader to be perfect in mind, body and spirit. It is also not to fulfill the expectations of all and sundry. The role of the leader is to achieve the goals of those whom he is acknowledged to lead. And Jesse Jackson has worked relentlessly and publicly for decades to achieve opportunity for his constituents. And he has become rich along the way. And he is a powerful man. And he is not perfect. So what? It's a bitch when people don't live up to their own standards. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

I think a leader has a greater responsibility than that, if he assumes the mantle of leader. Being a little facetious, goals are what you hire managers for. Leaders should define policy and set standards.

I just remember people who knew Jesse way back when who though he was an opportunist of the first order. Did he change? Maybe. He's certainly effective. And he makes sure the whole issue stays in the public's mind where it needs to be.

I'm a little more critical about the illegitimate child thing. Because he was a minister and held himself to a higher standard and because the child won't have a father around. he gets some points for taking responsibility but it was a fairly substantial breach of faith. There needs to be some tangible show of remorse beyond "oops, sorry". Yes, we are all human. But when we adopt the role of moral, spiritual and political leader, and accept the power, accolades and money, I think something more than he's done is required.

