The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31169   Message #404347
Posted By: GUEST,MAV
23-Feb-01 - 12:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwacked - Seven
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwacked - Seven
Dear Bartholomew,

"MAV - I was talking metaphysical pants" OH! Metaphysical pants!!!!

"I will assume ignorance of this term on your part because otherwise I would have to assume that your comment was some kind of cheap-shot implying homosexual interest on my part"

Yes, I know I'm ignorant. I knew about but wasn't really thinking about my metaphysical pants.

"That would be totally pointless in a political/philosophical discussion, wouldn't it?"

Yes, as would any straight faced debate about the racebaiting extortionist and philandering hypocrite, the holier than thou reverend Jackson.

"I take exception to your comments about Jesse Jackson's constituency "marching in lockstep" when they vote for a Democratic candidate"

Why, the democrats haven't done anything for them.

"Jesse Jackson has a long record for representing the best interests of the black community"

No he doesn't, he has a long record of helping himself to the treasury of the phoney organization he heads.

A Chicago inner city Baptist reverend said on national tv that they've trusted in Jackson and the democrats for decades, their schools are still falling apart and the original problems still exist, they are willing to give Mr. Bush a chance (even though they didn't vote for him)

"For you to contend that you know better than the black community itself what is in its best interest is the height of presumption"

Well, since their desire is to receive money from taxpayers (retributions and quotas) rather than "being equal" and participating in the American Dream, I'd say we are all involved and have a say in it.

"That you believe the overwhelming minority support for Al Gore was due to the blind following of charismatic leaders, rather than self-interest, is ludicrous"

Yes, ludicrous is right, you would have thought they would be more astute than that, I don't think for a second that they have lower intelligence, just misplaced trust.

"The implications about your thought process in presenting this argument do not speak well for you"

It's not my thought process, a higher percentage of blacks voted D (despite Bush's efforts to woo them) than ever before (with no outreach at all). Many pundits are blaming the racist dragging ad from the NAACP.

"It also bothers me that you don't understand that there is a huge difference between calling Jackson a "hypocrite" and a "moron"

I understand the difference, I think he's both. What kind of moronic accent is that? I've been to Chicago and didn't hear people talk like that, isn't Oprah from Chi-town? (ishas)

"There is a strong case to be made for the good reverend's hypocrisy"

Yes there is, he IS a hypocrite, and he's not a "good reverend".

"labelling him a "moron" is simple name-calling and rather pointless"

I can't believe you are even attempting to defend this lying, cheating, thieving criminal. The IRS should take him away.

I've heard many black Baptist ministers criticize the pig and tell him to JUST SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!!!

Next question please.

mav out