I moved to a different room in the clinic residence complex. Did I tell you that when I was admitted (six weeks ago) I was assigned a little room in the 'admit' wing of the building? You start over there, and in that wing there are shared bathrooms out in the halls. The rooms are very small and spare. Initially I was told that I would have to move pretty shortly.
In actual fact: I was able to stay there in the admit wing for six weeks, while I got used to being in this institution and found out how things are done and got acquainted with stuff. It was made clear to me that living in the admit wing, for people who stay the course and commit to long-term treatment in residence, is temporary, and that one is expected to move to the wing on the other side of the residence complex. That wing does not have bathrooms in the hall. Either there are two-room suites that share a private bathroom; or there are a handful of rooms with a bathroom which does not have to be shared with anyone else. As you might expect, room vacancies go together with waiting lists.
But what people line up for, are those rooms where you don't have to share. This is not an issue for me. I do not mind sharing a bathroom. So I am happy to let other patients compete with each other about who gets the next private room that becomes vacant.
And then, of course, the coronavirus pandemic happened. People voluntarily chose to discharge, a number of them, so as to get home to their families instead of being stuck here. When that happened there was a great 'musical rooms' shuffle. Vacant rooms opening up; patients waiting for better rooms, hustling to move out of the rooms they already have. And since this clinic campus includes buildings converted to apartments (old large houses), some patients were permitted to 'step down' their treatment -- while still living on the clinic campus, and still showing up for therapy and everything, they could leave the residence for one of these on-campus apartments, and they would not require daily check-ins at the nurses' station. Meaning, that some patients remained at the clinic, but moved out of their rooms in the residence complex.
So you see, there have been a couple of weeks, the last part of March going into April, where there was a LOT of moving going on. And, having decided to commit and stay long-term, I said to myself: Now is the time to watch closely, and move when the opportunity is good.
Long story somewhat shorter: a suite in the long-term wing opened up. I looked at it last week, then went straight to the station with nursing, and applied to move there. And now I have surrendered my little room in the admit wing, and moved into one-half of a two-room suite ... the other half is unoccupied. And so even though I didn't plan it this way, I have got a bathroom all to my very own self. Until somebody moves in on the other side.
The clinic having effectively shut down admissions while 'shelter-in-place' is in effect for 'congregate' housing, it may be quite a while before new patients are admitted and somebody moves in to the other half of my bedroom suite.
Remember all that fuss, a few weeks back, when I was in the admit room and the delivery truck showed up before dawn and made all that noise? on account of my room was right on top of the service entrance one storey down?
My new room, while surrounded by other rooms with patients and the the ordinary bits of noise from fellow residents, is well away from the service entrance where deliveries are made. And when the other patients are still, the wing, and the room, is blessedly peaceful!
Mrrzy, I quite agree with you about dreaming and the mind working on dreams. My former counselor, years ago, had a word for it -- she said such dreaming was 'productive'!