The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166522   Message #4044544
Posted By: Donuel
06-Apr-20 - 07:21 PM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Who is this nobody?
"Nobody has ever seen such a great economy, Nobody has ever seen such great numbers. Nobody can believe such miracles I have made".
Does nobody mean No one or is there a real Mr. Nobody?

And what about fantastic?
"I have fantastic numbers. I have made fantastic progress".
Doesn't fantastic mean; imaginative or fanciful; remote from reality?

Doesn't incredible mean without credibility? the word Unbelievable is equal to incredible.

In the next 5 o'clock speech,
Count how many times you hear the words; nobody, fantastic, unbelievable and incredible.

Divide by the number of times of the word tremendous is mentioned and...

You will get a coefficient either above five or below 5.
Below 5 is a gigantic lieing ass hole
Above 5 is a huge lieing ass hole