The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167583   Message #4044808
Posted By: Steve Gardham
09-Apr-20 - 05:00 AM
Thread Name: Ewan MacColl
Subject: RE: Ewan MacColl
Okay this thread, for whatever reasons it was set up, is the ideal place to post exactly what it was that Ewan had to offer, a bit at a time of course. Not having been an acquaintance of his I am very interested in what he had to say on the subject and as you say, Jim, it would make an excellent thread to have the opportunity to discuss this without things getting overheated. I think we can safely say he was a controversial figure. I can identify with that as I'm sure many here can. Like others I have all the books, biographies, collections etc., but as you have such an insight it would make for good discussion.

Over to you....