The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167586   Message #4045259
Posted By: Jim Carroll
11-Apr-20 - 03:39 AM
Thread Name: Will folk clubs survive
Subject: RE: Will folk clubs survive
"We have given you numerous examples of this happening in Britain. You just dismiss them."
I don't dismiss anything out of hand
I have ad description from a few sating "it's all right in our area" - that doesn't tie up with the fact that the club scene has reduced from thousands of clubs to less than two hundred and that a fraction of those have rejected folk song and adopted the 'singing horse' definition   
My concern is for the songs Steve - yours should be as a researcher
Non folk folk clubs, crib sheets and indifferent singing has not only become a major problem but has been argued for using terms like 'elitism'
Whenever it is suggested that folk clubs should live up to their chosen description we are deafened by hysterical shrieks of "folk police"
Folk song will not survive that treatment - it is not surviving it
I have no intention of taking up Observers somewhat snide attack on the Irish and I hope nobody else does - I hate national jealousy
Jim Carroll