The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167586   Message #4045284
Posted By: Jim Carroll
11-Apr-20 - 05:35 AM
Thread Name: Will folk clubs survive
Subject: RE: Will folk clubs survive
"Only true and verifiable facts or the testimony of an expert witness will
With respect Dave - that's unbelievably stupid
I have no evidence that our politicians are charlatans and thieves but it hasn't stopped us discussing these traits elsewhere
We have to rely on what we are told by people we trust - we can't be everywhere at the same time
I know for a fact that singers who were once household names won't go to clubs any more because of "the shitholes that many of the clubs have become" - to quote a recent communication
I keep finding singers who I thought must be dead are still alive and healthy - and well able to sing, but can't be arsed any more because of the indifferent and often hostile reception their songs have met with
You were the one who put a number on the present clubs

"Remote singing"
Singing folk songs has always been a form of human contact - electrionic contact is a form of alienation in my opinion - for the reasons I ahve given