The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54184   Message #4045441
Posted By: Anglo
12-Apr-20 - 12:19 AM
Thread Name: The Long Harvest by MacColl & Seeger
Subject: RE: The Long Harvest by MacColl & Seeger
What a surprise! I had no idea there were more volumes of Long Harvest. I digitized my set some time ago, and gave a copy to Dick Greenhaus (Camsco & Digitrad), I think he used it to make copies for Peggy.

And I had no idea that the Bandcamp site existed. Well, good news there. The main gap seems to be the Muse series, Angry, Amorous and Wanton, on Argo. I only have really old lo-fi reel-to-reel versions of those.

Jim Carroll, I'd love to see your covers for the series.

Thanks to all posting here - you've cheered up my day.