The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167586   Message #4045482
Posted By: Steve Gardham
12-Apr-20 - 05:23 AM
Thread Name: Will folk clubs survive
Subject: RE: Will folk clubs survive
You seem to be suggesting that all of us who have spent our lives being obsessed by folk music will somehow drift off in other directions once this is over. A very negative and doom laden attitude! There are enough of us obsessives in every part of the UK to ensure that this will continue in whatever form; concerts in museums, churches, village halls, etc.; singarounds, sessions, grass-roots festivals like ours, taking the music into other areas like schools.

Just before the lockdown struck we managed to fit in a free 4-hour concert in the local Minster that had footfall of near 800, and just before that we had a packed-out chanty night. Had the lockdown not struck our 6-piece group were booked to go into a secondary school to start up a once a week folk club. This has merely been postponed. Whilst in lock-down we are continuing to work on our 4th album. 2 of us are also working on digitised recordings of 60s folk club recordings to go into the local Folk Archive followed by setting up a website to publicise this, all funded by ourselves. I am just finishing off another book whilst working on two book chapters to be published next year.

What more do you want?