The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167497   Message #4045912
Posted By: Steve Shaw
13-Apr-20 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
Subject: RE: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
So let me guess who the "pissed off mudelf" is. I'll tell you summat, pissed off mudelf. Threads wander all over the place here and long may they do so. In fact, I positively invite any thread of mine to go a-wandering where the divil it wants to. And I would just like to point out to you, lest you forgot, the pejorative undertones of the original post in that clapping thread:

Subject: BS: Clapping for the NHS
From: Senoufou - PM
Date: 09 Apr 20 - 03:18 PM

"I would just feel so silly doing any such thing. Of course I admire all NHS workers (they've just saved my sister's life up in Scotland) but this virtue-signalling, especially in an isolated village in Norfolk, strikes me as completely daft.

So you are protecting someone, via suggesting that some of us were going "off topic," who accused me and many thousands of others who simply want to come out and support the front-line workers who are putting themselves in harm's way of "virtue signalling". You didn't stop that particular bit of politicking in its tracks, did you? To compound that, you protect yourself by saying we shouldn't criticise the moderation (wow - what moderation!!), and by telling us to grow up! YOU telling US to grow up! You delete perfectly well-argued posts and posts that are civil and humorous, yet you allow a far-right puppet free rein in other threads to insult all and sundry without demur and then indulge in victim-blaming. How consistent of you.

This post will not survive. I support the moderators here and know what a tough job they have. But this is just so bad. Come back at me and bite my head off in front of everybody. I'm not scared. Or delete it. Your call, never my gig. But I'm copying this post and I will challenge you in private messages if I have to.