The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167497   Message #4045928
Posted By: Steve Shaw
13-Apr-20 - 09:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
Subject: RE: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
I fell out big time with pfr in that thread, Maggie, but you have unwittingly conspired to reunite us (we'd have done it anyway, as we're honourable EnglishMEN...Oops, slip of the caps lock there....or was it...) You are not a Brit and you clearly don't understand what an emotional issue our NHS is to us. You live in a country in which at least a tenth of you have no right to any healthcare at all, and in which the rest of you get only what you are lucky enough to be able to afford to pay for, yet we don't hear much of a fuss ever being kicked up your end. Well it's not like that here, and "NHS" means "politics" here, especially under the shower currently governing us. The thread you accuse us of going "off topic" in (wow, mortal sin...) started with a post that immediately would have alienated vast numbers of Brits, had vast numbers of Brits read it. I mean, "virtue signalling" my arse... Bejaysus, it even got me and pfr at each other's throats, though he and I can never remain that way for that long. The original poster is a proud Tory, and, just a few short years before I was born, the Tories bitterly opposed the founding of the NHS. If you live your side of the pond and choose to look at the superficiality of our posts on this topic, you won't get it. If you investigate instead the history of the politics behind the NHS, you just might. And if you did you'd let us get on with it instead of blundering in and shutting down the MEN who take issue over it. Oops, there goes that caps lock slip again...

And I love both you and pfr, dammit...